Model carpenter's workshop in the Boehringer Areal in Goeppingen. A building of industrial history in transition.
Boehringer in Goeppingen was one of the industrial companies rich in tradition alongside Märklin or Schuler. A large part of the buildings on the company site are empty. The old industrial site is about to be revitalized - the city of Goeppingen wants to develop the Boehringer site as an attractive business location. In the future, a lively working quarter is to be created there with a mix of uses including commercial production, research, development, and creative and cultural industries. A section of the buildings in the Boehringer site is occupied by the former model carpenter's workshop, which is to be renovated and conceptually developed.
Project data
The refurbishment of the building opens up a variety of possibilities to flexibly design the building for different user groups and industries.
Clusters of industries and uses that operate in complementary business fields are conceivable. This is especially true for the combination of education and
training, creative professions, and cultural and artistic professionals. Uses by offices of independent professions such as law, architecture, journalism or consulting agencies are just as conceivable as coworking spaces, artists' studios and workshops with fixtures, right through to classic use as office space with the usual requirements in terms of room climate and building technology.

The layout of the rooms can vary depending on the timing of the renovation as well as the specific requirements and thus offers special qualities. Ideally, these can be flexibly changed. A mix of modernity and industrial-historical charm in a listed building makes the Model Joinery a hip place. Supplemented by gastronomy offers and event areas for concerts, podiums or readings in the immediate and wider surroundings, the Modellschreinerei can be an impulse-giving start for the development of the Boehringer-Areal.