Gaus red building with reddish filter
A new building or refurbishment will shape the operation of your fire department for decades to come. You want this project to be in good hands: In experienced and knowledgeable hands.
We understand you. We really do.
As architects with around 60 years of experience in building for public clients, we have already implemented around 30 fire department projects. We know what is important to a fire department. With us, you build for the future - sustainably, safely and with a strong identity.
Fire department building from Gaus red

This is
the reason

There are many reasons to work with us. Here are three. For starters.


As a member of the German Sustainable Building Council (DGNB) and winner of the DMK Award for Sustainable Building, we are one of the first signatories of the "Phase Sustainability" initiative. Building sustainably is a duty for us - this means building for the future in all aspects: We create a flexible, identity-forming and durable building that will provide your fire department with the right conditions for many decades to come.


We are at your side throughout the entire process so that we can meet your needs. We involve both the user and the client in finding a solution together - because it's about more than just a building. It's about a home.


Facts & Figures


Fire departments already realized or designed


prestigious awards for our fire departments


Millions of euros in fire department construction


square meters of space are available in total


tons of wood have been used in timber construction fire departments
Gaus Architekten have achieved an aesthetic masterpiece here and architecturally made the best of the requirements and materials.
Photo of Boris Palmer
Boris Palmer
Lord Mayor University City Tübingen
The new wood building is a model of how we can move into circular construction and build our way out of the climate crisis.
Photo by Peter Hauk
Peter Hauk
Minister of the State Ministry of Food,
Rural Areas and Consumer Protection
As the client, we were able to benefit from the architectural firm's many years of experience throughout all phases of the construction process.
Photo by Hans-Rudi Bührle
Hans-Rudi Bührle
Mayor of the municipality Bad Boll

Ready for the next step?

Then we should talk. It's easy - free of charge, without obligation, uncomplicated. Arrange an initial meeting to get to know each other: