Living in the Mühlwiesen in Bad Überkingen. Added value for all generations.
Within the framework of a multiple building contract, four teams of investors and architects were given the task of developing a design for inner-city redensification with residential development. The municipality's goal is to build multi-story residential buildings for all generations on the available land.
Project data
The existing buildings are complemented in a way that is typical for the location. The topography with the eleven meter lower level of the Filsufer could be used as an advantage and a multi-story residential complex could be developed as a kind of residential tower. It forms the antipole to the development of the commercial area opposite. Additional parking spaces and, above all, attractive places to stay directly on the waterfront with the Filsterrassen will be created. In their diversity, the newly planned buildings blend into the townscape. A new brand is created at the entrance to the town.
Semi-detached houses are planned as well as multi-story residential buildings. The minimal sealing of the area is a clear argument in favor of multi-story development. The detailed design of the buildings can be controlled according to demand. The associated parking spaces will be arranged in an underground garage. Intergenerational living is planned for the multi-storey building. There will also be rooms for communal and partly public use. These include a café, a social center and day care.

The floor plans of the residential tower are flexible and can respond to the needs of the residents in the design of the apartment size. The result is rooms with a high quality of living. The apartments are designed barrier-free and are therefore interesting for all generations and life models. The expanded parking areas can be equipped with e-charging stations and car sharing can be offered. At the same time, a quality environment with meeting, play and garden areas will be created for the entire resident community.

Sustainability principles prevail
A resource-saving timber construction method is planned as a hybrid building, which offers options for saving time in the implementation phase due to a high degree of prefabrication. The principles of the DGNB are consistently applied here. Sufficiency is implemented through reduction of land consumption and multiple uses. The goal is to create a low-tech building and save CO2 during operation. Saving CO2 emissions and binding CO2 in the wood used is already a contribution to climate protection. Biodiversity must be preserved. The resource water is conserved and the microclimate is positively influenced by the roof greening. The approaches of Circular Economy are pursued and pollutant-free, recycled materials are used (Cradle to Cradle).