As-built survey of 45,000 square meters. Preserving and developing valuable building fabric.
The city of Esslingen: a city with over 1,000 years of development history. Today, the administration sees a great need for modernization of parts of the municipal school buildings, which were built during a strong growth phase in the second half of the 20th century. We were commissioned to conduct a holistic study of the existing buildings. In the process, we determined which measures are sensible and necessary to preserve and modernize the substance.
Project data
Inventory analysis as a basis for development
The refurbishment of quite a few existing school complexes in Esslingen provides a wide range of opportunities for the development of the buildings and the educational facilities they house. Modernization of the existing buildings is long overdue.
Sustainable and resource-saving urban development succeeds if the valuable building fabric can be preserved and transferred into the future.
As a basis, a meticulous examination of the inventory must take place. In order to be able to exploit the full potential. We take a holistic view of the 25 buildings in order to determine the need for renovation as comprehensively as possible: In architecture, building technology, energy and statics.
Transformation into the future
What has led to poor quality of stay in the buildings over the years within the existing stock now offers new opportunities in the context of a refurbishment. Acute problems urgently need to be responded to with some simple measures. At the same time, many of the buildings offer the framework for extensive transformations. New kinds of educational landscapes are to be created. Environments whose architecture creates a place where children and young people enjoy living and learning.

No discontinuation, but development
The inventory analysis shows how valuable the existing basic substance is. The existing structure should be preserved, and the substance should be used. In this way, the existing structure can be successfully transferred into a future whose municipal architecture is exemplary in terms of sustainability and user orientation.