Topping-out ceremony in Remchingen: A milestone for education and community

On St. Nicholas Day, we celebrated the topping-out ceremony for the new children's and youth campus together with the municipality of Remchingen - a project that is not only architecturally impressive, but also represents a courageous step into the future. Courage to invest in education, care and community in challenging times, and courage to break new ground and turn visions into reality.

In his speech, Christian Gaus summed up the importance of this project: "Memories from our childhood shape us. Perhaps this topping-out ceremony will be such a moment for the children of today - an experience that they will later associate with joy in this new campus."

The new campus will offer much more than just buildings: with a canteen for 200 children, a modern catering concept and rooms specially tailored to the needs of schools and daycare centers, it will be a place of learning and togetherness. Special attention is paid to the educational spaces, which encourage discovery and growth and offer an atmosphere that benefits children and teachers alike.

With this construction project, the municipality of Remchingen has shown how important it is to invest courageously and create long-term prospects - especially in times of change. We are proud to be part of this courageous process and to implement our vision of a modern educational landscape here. Next up is the design of the outdoor facilities, which will take the concept further and create spaces that combine learning, play and nature. Because education does not end at the classroom door.

A big thank you to the municipality of Remchingen, the craftsmen and everyone involved in making this project possible. Together, we are creating a place that not only lays the foundations for a future worth living, but also reflects the courage to break new ground.