Top Company on kununu for the second time - sustainable satisfaction.

A title we gratefully accept
Every year, the employer rating platform kununu awards the "Top Company" employer seal to a narrow selection of frequently and particularly well rated companies. In 2023, we are also among them for the second time in a row. With 4.7 out of 5 stars, kununu continues to rank us "among the most popular employers in Germany, Austria and Switzerland" - we can only accept this with gratitude.
Grateful because we see: Our efforts are bearing fruit. Because our credo "Good architecture for people" is not just an architectural claim, but also a human one. A claim that has the well-being and the future of our society in mind - and that's where we have to start in our offices.

The opinion of our employees
The kununu award does not reflect the assessment of an external auditor, but is based very specifically on the ratings of our employees on the rating platform. In other words, on the opinions of the people who work for us. The people who make us what we are: Our Team.
I am proud to have received this recognition again, because appreciation towards my Team is important to me.

To realize our architectural projects, we are constantly looking for people who enrich our Team . Who bring in their character and their strengths and thus make us richer by some more strengths. Because our capital, that is the Team.
You want to be a part of it? Take a look at the job offers.
We look forward to seeing you.