Formulate and refer to attitude: Our GNA.

Postulated attitude to architecture
DNA makes up every living being. And makes us unique.
We have recorded what our office is all about in the GNA, the Gaus Native Architecture. It is the attitude that we take. The attitude that makes us unique. Our DNA. Our genetic makeup.
The GNA is our attitude to architecture, which we take towards clients, specialist planners, business and project partners. And last but not least towards ourselves. It currently consists of 44 theses with which our owner Christian Gaus reflects on the most diverse aspects of architecture. The aim is to formulate what we understand by good architecture.

Sharpening the focus for clear architecture
This discussion, which takes place in our office, will initiate a new possibility of exchange about our understanding of architecture and building culture.
Every week, in a joint meeting, we deal with different aspects of planning the built environment and dealing with our project partners. We dedicate ourselves specifically to our aspirations, our understanding and also the possibility of inspiration for good architecture. This sharpens our focus and our goals. The regular exchange does good, creates necessary distance to the projects and thus clarity for the tasks to be solved.
We are at the beginning of a new path that offers a lot of potential and promises a lot: a clearly formulated attitude that should be visible in all our projects.
An attitude that reveals our claim.
Namely: good architecture for people.