
Finding and developing architectural attitude: Our competition entries.

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Investing in the future of our office

15 processed competition procedures within the year 2022 (as of September!) - more are added continuously. Within three years, we have increased the number of procedures in which we participate more than tenfold. And this is the result of a very conscious decision:

The decision to acquire an ever greater proportion of our commissions directly from the architectural quality of our work. We want to find and develop our architectural attitude. To measure ourselves against other architects. To learn from others and grow with others.

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Successes please us, failures teach us

Not every competition participation leads to success. If the phone doesn't ring on the day of the jury, then for us it usually means: Analyze what we failed at. Understand what others have solved better. And learn from that.

And this process of continuous learning together with the active development of our architectural attitude pay off: Statistics show that about every 6th procedure has resulted in a commission for us. An excellent rate.

Our Team will grow

Because we feel that time, energy and money are well invested in these processes, we want to further expand our efforts. If you are interested in working on this, we would be pleased to hear from you.

Work with us: Then learn with us. You then process the failures with us -.

and above all: you celebrate the successes with us.

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