First time: From 0 to 21 in the 2022 Competitionline Ranking.

From 0 to 21
There are approximately 22,400 architectural firms in Germany.
Every year the Competitionline Ranking is published, in which several hundred offices are placed depending on their competition successes.
For the first time in our office history, we are in it. And we made it to 21st place!
We are proud to be part of the Competitionline Ranking for the first time. This award confirms us and motivates us to continue to seek intensive engagement with architecture.
Work with us on our goals
The success also confirms us in our design approaches. For us, the most important thing is that people take center stage. After all, they are the ones who live in or use our buildings and often spend significant periods of their lives there.
In addition, each of our buildings should make a positive contribution to building culture and to climate-friendly construction. Do you want to work with us on these goals? Become part of our competition team, which is currently being created in our Stuttgart office, among others. We look forward to hearing from you!