
Registration as a specialist adjudicator and on the design advisory board. Award, privilege, opportunity.

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One of 137 names

0.5 percent - or in figures: 136 out of 26,000 - that is the proportion of architects in the Baden-Württemberg Chamber of Architects who are registered in the "Judges" specialist list. Our managing director can now also count himself among this group - making it 137. With this milestone, Christian Gaus has the privilege of helping to shape the architecture and building culture of the future beyond our work as an office.

Award from the Chamber of Architects

The expert list for expert judges is maintained by the Chamber of Architects in order to provide assistance to organizers of competitions or similar in the search for and selection of experts. According to the AKBW, this list is composed only of "particularly qualified" architects and urban planners. Therefore, the road to a possible application for inclusion in the list is long. The prerequisites have to be worked out over a period of years:

Several regular competition successes.

A public award of a building.

Multiple work as a specialist adjudicator in regular procedures - and a corresponding knowledge of current competition and procurement rules, demonstrated by relevant further training.

If these requirements can all be met, this says something about the quality of one's own architecture in addition to the qualification for the specialist list. Thus, the list entry is at the same time a recognition of Christian Gaus' work to date.

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The privilege of co-design

In addition to being registered as a specialist adjudicator, Christian Gaus is now also part of the specialist list "Design Advisory Board". Experts from the Design Advisory Board can be called upon by municipalities or institutions to assess building projects that have an impact on the cityscape and to advise those responsible. The Design Advisory Council thus makes a concrete contribution to the development of sophisticated architecture and building culture. The same applies to the work of the expert judges, who influence these issues through their judgments on competition entries.

Opportunity for change

Our claim as an office is always: Good architecture for people. Helping to shape the future of architecture and building culture. Taking and maintaining a stance.

Our buildings carry this claim within themselves and are an important means of realizing it. And yet the constant change and further development of our building culture only works as a society, only collectively. As part of design advisory boards and panels of judges, Christian Gaus can work even more intensively for this task.

For us, the entry in the professional lists is therefore a special milestone. The certificates get a place of honor in the office.

Because for us they mean distinction, privilege and opportunity.

An award of which we are proud. A privilege for which we are grateful. And an opportunity that we will seize.

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