
2nd prize in the competition: School campus Willy-Hellpach-Schule in Heidelberg.

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Shaping society with architecture

Architecture shapes our society by shaping private and public space. The way we live together. And: how we learn.

Our design for the campus around the Willy Hellpach School in Heidelberg, which we developed together with the landscape architects Möhrle + Partner, is intended to create open and connecting spaces, while unsealing and planting create a high-quality microclimate on the campus.

The boundary between school and urban space becomes blurred; a place of gathering of different groups of people is created that is not limited to school activities.

Campus with green center

During a total of one year of processing time, we intensively dealt with the conditions on site in two competition phases. Our design spans public, green paths that connect the different parts of the city and support the emerging interweaving of urban and natural open space.

In terms of urban planning, the design pursues the creation of a common center in a very comprehensible way.

<div class="author_component">
<div class="author_text-wrapper">
<div class="author_name">Urteil der Wett­bewerbs­jury</div>
<div class="author_position">Preisgericht Phase 2</div>

The green center was placed centrally on the campus as a generously dimensioned town square. It surrounds the new, openly designed and pavilion-like campus building, the beating heart of our design.

In particular, the building structure of the campus house as a frame of the center and attractor is convincing.

<div class="author_component">
<div class="author_text-wrapper">
<div class="author_name">Urteil der Wett­bewerbs­jury</div>
<div class="author_position">Preisgericht Phase 2</div>

We are delighted with the jury's final verdict to award our work 2nd prize. The award shows us that we are on the right track with our attitude towards good architecture. At the same time, we congratulate all our fellow campaigners and especially the other prize winners.

You can get a closer look at our competition work in our project presentation.

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