
Building with wood

Building with wood
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Function and aesthetics combined
RM Rudolf Müller Medien GmbH & Co. KG

The first Tübingen fire department building in timber frame construction

The consistent wooden building in Tübingen-Lustnau makes a confident appearance at the entrance to the town: The vertically structured façade, which, like the building structure, is entirely in wood, creates a varied play of light and shade over the course of the day thanks to the wooden slats of different widths and depths. The building makes a new mark on the urban appearance of Lustnau.

In addition to aesthetic aspects of the tripartite building, great importance is also attached to the building's functional processes for the volunteer fire department - Commander Fromm concludes at the inauguration ceremony: "We feel right at home here."

Above all, however, the timber construction is a "lighthouse project" for State Forestry Minister Peter Hauk with charisma far beyond the city limits of Tübingen. The 6.5 million euro building shows that timber construction and fire protection can go hand in hand and that timber construction can also be used for functional buildings - despite all the complex technical requirements involved.

The industry network site shows the fire station as a best practice and reports in detail on the aspects of sustainability, function and aesthetics.