Gaus Native Architecture

Connect your design to its context.

Christian Gaus, Freelance Architect and Owner

Every building is unique. With their design, architects respond to the individual needs, specific requirements and wishes of those who will use a building. But the cultural and social environment as well as the historical and geographical circumstances should also be an important part of a design. Analyzing the context is therefore always an essential task at the start of a project. A high degree of sensitivity must be shown to the location where the building is to stand in order to take into account the local history and tradition, but also the topography, the urban environment and ultimately the neighborhoods.

The creation of relationships, visual axes, permeability and open spaces creates a dialog between the new urban building block and the existing buildings. In this way, social interaction and public space for encounters and exchanges between the various user groups can be promoted. In order to create a healthy context for this, sustainable concepts and the use of innovative and creative solutions are required. To this end, natural resources and renewable energies should be used, the ecological footprint minimized and biodiversity and environmental protection promoted. In this way, traditional concepts can be adapted to contemporary needs and diversity and individuality can be created.